It’s become more of a myth that only guys like to gamble online. The number of girls taking an interest in iGaming is growing, especially on mobile platforms. As technology advances, the games are getting better, more fun and more attractive to a female audience who demand more from their games. But, they need to be of a certain standard, safe to play and also available offline. After all, girls don’t always play to win money. Often the game becomes a break from their busy lives. An opportunity to forget yourself in a really good game. And sure, we’d like to think that girls are just as driven as guys when it comes to casino games, but there are some differences. Find out more about what games girls like to play in the casino.
Best online casino games for girls
When it comes to girls and iGaming, nothing is written in stone, but there are some casino games that stand out from the rest when you take a closer look at the demographics behind the game. The following games, according to various studies, have proven to be particularly popular among girls from different age groups:
That bingo would be popular among older women is probably not very surprising. Numbers games are generally a category that many female players are drawn to. This probably has to do with the dynamics of the game and the fact that it remains a traditional social game that can also be played together online.
Keno is a close relative of bingo, so it stands to reason that this game is also popular with girls. The calm and sociable game dynamic is very similar to that of bingo. You simply play the numbers, which are then drawn to pick a winner. The difference is that in keno, you get to choose your own numbers. You don’t get to do that in bingo.

The harsh reality is that more than three times as many men as women play poker. But it’s also true that women have been playing poker for decades, ever since online casinos first appeared on the digital market. The fact that female players at the poker table have been sparse in the past has to do with the fact that land-based casinos have not been a particularly pleasant place for women to visit. However, the digitization of the casino industry has changed this and made poker an attractive game, even for female high rollers.
Slot machines are a rather murky category. On the one hand, it can be said that the casino continues to attract male players first and foremost, but when it comes to slots, many girls appreciate an entertaining game. Moreover, slots have been created with a clear female focus. Such as Cleopatra, where you get to meet one of history’s most mythical queens. Or Lady Godiva, a game based on the legendary noblewoman who rode out naked on her horse to get her husband to cut taxes for the starving population.